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The implementation of the Bologna reform in the Croatian context has led to a number of issues with reforming and delivering doctoral education, including a lack of research qualifications other than PhDs, unusually large admission quotas, low graduation rates, long time to graduation, high tuition fees and lack of research funding, internationalisation and mobility.

Evaluation of the PhD programmes by Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE) was chosen as a policy response to tackle those issues. The evaluation was successful in gathering stakeholder support and promoting common quality criteria, leading to improvements in the structure of the programmes, but unfortunately had no effect on the issues connected with the funding.


This paper was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

Rescuing a misinterpreted Bologna reform: quality assurance of the third cycle in Croatia

Marina Matešić, Đurđica Dragojević, Katarina Novak, Fabio Faraguna

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