Accessibility Tools

- Describing issues honestly without being false or too positive
- Noticing problems and searching for solutions
- Using the input from the workshops in the most beneficial way
- Constructing a realistic picture of the University and its units and activities
The self-evaluation helped the audit team to find the University’s strengths and make recommendations for further development.


This paper was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

- Describing issues honestly without being false or too positive
- Noticing problems and searching for solutions
- Using the input from the workshops in the most beneficial way
- Constructing a realistic picture of the University and its units and activities
The self-evaluation helped the audit team to find the University’s strengths and make recommendations for further development.


This paper was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

Self-evaluation as an effective tool in establishing quality management at the University of Helsinki

Aimo Virtanen and Nina Aremo

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