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The I-AR project aims to implement fair automatic recognition by offering guidance in policy development on a European and national level. Furthermore, through capacity building, higher education institutions will be encouraged to improve their expertise on automatic recognition.

I-AR caters to the needs of ENIC-NARIC centres, higher education institutions and other actors involved in achieving automatic recognition in the EHEA (rectors conferences, quality assurance organisations, ministries of education, policy makers).

The activities of the I-AR project aim to improve automatic recognition at the European, national and institutional level:

To support the implementation of automatic recognition on a European level, the project will

  • create a table with system-level comparisons of qualifications in EHEA that national authorities can use to enter into (non) legally binding AR agreements between countries, and as such supports efficient and consistent implementation.
  • produce a 2nd updated edition of the EAR manual supporting fair and automatic recognition practices in the EU/EHEA.
  • analyse the implications of the Global Recognition Convention on the Lisbon Recognition Convention to support streamlined implementation in line with the LRC and automatic recognition.

To support the implementation of automatic recognition at the national level, the project will provide national guidance through improved AR regimes in ENIC-NARIC offices.

To support the implementation of automatic recognition at the institutional level, the project will build capacity for higher education institutions by:

  • strengthening the link between ENIC-NARIC and HEIs,
  • improving information provision on fair and automatic recognition,
  • organising national seminars on automatic recognition for higher education institutions.

The I-AR project is co-funded by Erasmus+ and coordinated by the Dutch ENIC-NARIC Nuffic. The consortium also includes the following partners:

Core team

  • ENIC-NARIC Austria
  • ENIC-NARIC Estonia
  • ENIC-NARIC Flanders
  • ENIC-NARIC France
  • ENIC-NARIC Italy
  • ENIC-NARIC Lithuania
  • ENIC-NARIC Norway
  • ENIC-NARIC Poland
  • ENIC Ukraine


  • ENIC-NARIC Czech Republic
  • ENIC-NARIC Ireland

Steering group

  • European University Association (EUA)
  • ECA
  • ENIC-NARIC Denmark
  • European Students’ Union (ESU)

The project runs from September 2020 until April 2023.

In case of questions about this project and the involvement of EUA, please contact Helene Peterbauer.

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