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Foreword and Acknowledgements by Henrik Toft Jensen 

1. Introduction

Democratising quality by Lee Harvey
The emperor has no clothes? Rankings and the shift from quality assurance to the pursuit of world-class excellence by Ellen Hazelkorn

2. Quality Assurance on the Move

Developments to encourage quality enhancement: a case study by Kath Hodgson
Thematic quality review as a supplement to departmental quality reviews: a case study within the Irish university system by Heinz Lechleiter
Future directions for the Scottish enhancement-led approach to quality by Alan Davidson
Developing internal quality assurance mechanisms - towards an East African quality assurance framework by Mayunga H.H. Nkunya, Stefan Bienefeld and Christoph Hansert

3. Measuring Performance, Assuring Quality – Two Challenging Tasks

The actor’s lenses: on understanding prevailing conditions for introducing quality assurance measures in an institution by Ingrid Maria Hanken
A proposal for a performance indicator model for the Spanish higher education system by Anna Prades and Sebastian Rodríguez
Criteria identification for study programme quality assessment and ranking by Dainis Dosbergs and Juris Borzovs

4. Students’ Involvement

Training of students as experts for external quality assurance – the Swiss experience by Christian Schneijderberg and Monika Risse Kuhn

5. Conclusions

Two complex issues: rankings and learning outcomes by Mantz Yorke 

6. References


This selection of papers was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

Trends In Quality Assurance

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