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The report analyses major and recent national policies and initiatives aiming to support the enhancement of learning and teaching in 30 countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

In a context where learning and teaching has gained increased attention in the EHEA and the Bologna Process, and at the same time higher education institutions are adopting more strategic approaches to learning and teaching, this report offers an insight into the state of play in learning and teaching within national higher education systems. It provides an update and brings complementary information to the 2018 report on National Initiatives in Learning and Teaching in Europe.

The report, based on interviews with national experts in learning and teaching, looks into national and system-level regulations and initiatives, support structures, inter-institutional cooperation, teaching enhancement practices currently in place, and obstacles and enablers for further enhancing learning and teaching. The report also addresses the role of leadership in teaching, which can be an important driver of innovation in teaching and advancing careers.

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Read more about the Leadership and Organisation for Teaching and Learning at European Universities (LOTUS) project.

National Developments in Learning and Teaching in Europe

Thérèse Zhang

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