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Leading a university has never been more demanding. University leaders must juggle multiple roles, balancing the needs and expectations of a diverse array of stakeholders. They are accountable for a wide range of issues, from academic excellence to social responsibility. In this context, strong leadership is essential for universities to thrive.

Universities’ traditional roles are evolving, and they are now expected to adapt and drive change both internally and within their communities. Adapting to a dynamic environment and addressing new priorities on the institutional transformation agenda is crucial for their success.

EUA is dedicated to supporting universities in advancing towards stronger leadership as highlighted in its vision for 2030 ‘Universities without walls’. Along with enabling frameworks and adequate investments, universities need robust leadership to navigate a complex future. To thrive, universities require leaders who can shape institutional profiles, articulate clear, unified goals, and make strategic decisions for effective implementation. To support this vision, EUA has launched several initiatives to bolster leadership within universities.

Often, the multiple challenges that university leaders face need to be addressed simultaneously and leaders are frequently caught between long-term strategy implementation and short-term crisis management. Findings from the Innovative Leadership and Change Management in Higher Education (NEWLEAD) project, collected in the NEWLEAD digital repository, demonstrate that leading and transforming universities is a complex endeavour. The project also highlighted the changing profile and skills today’s university leaders need: establishing a shared vision, uniting the community for a common purpose, and fostering an environment that allows for bottom-up approaches and initiatives.

These skills include diverse people management, strategic and technical skills, as well as essential transversal skills that build their adaptability and ability to navigate through ever-evolving challenges. Additionally, the project results point to the duality of leading versus managing a university, which is intrinsically linked to different cultures, positions and interpretations given to who constitutes the leadership team at universities.

To succeed, universities must foster leadership development throughout the institution, empowering both academic and professional support leaders. While several institutions and systems offer comprehensive support portfolios, many university leaders across Europe lack access to fully-fledged leadership development programmes. However, initiatives for leadership development and support are perceived by university leaders as the most effective training opportunities for both aspiring and experienced leaders. They help to effectively address big transformative agendas such as the green and digital transitions, and equity, diversity and inclusion, or new forms of intensified transnational collaboration such as the European university alliances.

Read here about the NEWLEAD findings

In response to this critical need, EUA is piloting a unique Leadership Development Programme for senior leaders in European higher education institutions. This dynamic programme is crafted to enhance leadership skills and competencies with a distinctive European perspective, offering a unique blend of international insights and tailored support for EUA members.

Learn more about the programme and apply

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