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The 33rd EAIE Conference and Exhibition will take place from 26–29 September, at Rotterdam Ahoy convention centre. This year’s conference theme is ‘Connecting currents’, celebrating the maritime history of Rotterdam.

A wide range of interactive sessions, workshops and local campus visits will be held throughout the week, along with 17 networking events around Rotterdam city centre. The EAIE Conference and Exhibition is the largest international higher education conference in Europe, drawing more than 6000 professionals from about 95 countries. Through 250+ cutting-edge sessions and activities, nine in-depth workshops, a showcase of over 200 exhibition stands and an array of networking events, the EAIE Conference gives participants the opportunity to enhance their expertise, explore current trends in higher education and establish partnerships with institutions from around the world.

For more information and registration, please visit the official conference website, and follow the event hashtag #EAIE2023 on EAIE social media channels: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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