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The Global University Network for innovation (GUNi) is launching a HE Leadership & Management Hub designed to become a permanent platform for reflection, dialogue and professional training among higher education leaders and managers from all around the world.

The kick-off of this new hub will take place at the seminar “Building new university leaderships to transform Europe” to be held on 13 September 2023 in Barcelona back-to-back with the Forum of European University Alliances in connection to the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second semester of 2023.

The seminar is mainly addressed at people who hold leadership, management and administration responsibilities within European higher education institutions, but also at chairpersons of university networks, directors of national quality assurance and internationalisation agencies, and representatives of the higher education ministries of the member states and international organisations.

Prof. Josep Maria Garrell, EUA President, will be among the speakers of the seminar.

For more information please visit the Global University Network for innovation website. You can register via an online form.

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