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This publication intends to provide observations on and recommendations for enhancing the complementarity between higher education mobility policies at the institutional, national and European level. A collaborative venture by the European University Association (EUA) and the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), the paper is based on the results of the EU-supported project “Mobility Policy-Practice Connect” (MPPC), as well as a number of other mobility-related studies and projects that EUA and ACA have carried out since 2009, when the 20% mobility objective of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) was first agreed.


In the first section, the paper outlines a series of observations on specific elements of institutional practice when it comes to strategising and managing mobility. The second section provides some guidance for national policy makers, in particular education ministries, with regard to developing and implementing national mobility-related policies. And finally, in the third section, the paper provides some suggestions on how current European mobility objectives can be optimised with respect to national and institutional interests. It is hoped that the observations and recommendations provided here will contribute to the ongoing policy reflection on European higher education internationalisation in the context of the Bologna Process, ET20205 and other related agendas.

Connecting mobility policies and practice: Observations and recommendations on national and institutional developments in Europe

Elizabeth Colucci, Irina Ferencz, Michael Gaebel and Bernd Wächter

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