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Scholars in many parts of the world are experiencing threats to their careers, liberty, and even their lives. Many of these at-risk researchers have to leave their countries in order to find refuge, safety, support, and the intellectual space to continue their work. When researchers are at risk, not only are individual lives and careers in jeopardy, but the quality and very future of research is also at stake.

As documented by the Initiative to “Support, Promote and Integrate Researchers at Risk in Europe” (Inspireurope), there is already excellent work underway in Europe in support of researchers at risk. However, there are also serious shortfalls in several areas, and there is space to expand programmes and processes both at European and national, as well at higher education institutional levels. The Report “Inspireurope Recommendations: Expanding opportunities in Europe for researchers at risk” provides concrete suggestions for systemic improvements across Europe, which would benefit international talent with an at-risk background, but also contribute to global research and knowledge development, and diversity of thought - all of which are cornerstones for academic freedom and university autonomy.

The report includes recommendations for European and national level policy makers, as well as for higher education institutions. The project will continue to support the situation of researchers at risk in Europe, also in the forthcoming Inspireurope+ project.

European Union flagInspireurope has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857742.


Watch the message by MEP Christian Ehler on the occasion of the launch of Inspireurope policy recommendations: Expanding Opportunities in Europe for Researchers at Risk:

Inspireurope Recommendations: Expanding opportunities in Europe for researchers at risk

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