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The European University Association is pleased to announce that the Association’s Council has endorsed three candidates for the position of EUA President for the period 2023-2027:

  • Janet Beer, Vice-Chancellor (until end 2022), University of Liverpool, United Kingdom;
  • Josep M. Garrell, former Rector, Ramon Llull University, Spain, and EUA Board member; and
  • Ivanka Popović, former Rector, University of Belgrade, Serbia, and EUA Board member.

The next President of EUA will be elected at the Association’s General Assembly in April 2023, hosted by Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland, and will take office from July. The successful candidate will succeed Professor Michael Murphy, who has served in the position since 2019. Following a call for presidential nominees launched earlier this year, the three selected candidates were put forward by the EUA Nominations Committee and endorsed by the Council at its meeting in Brussels on 28 October.

The 2023 General Assembly will also see the election of five new EUA Board members to succeed incumbents Martine Rahier, Josep Maria Garrell, Patrick Lévy, Marcin Pałys and Francesco Ubertini, whose terms of office end in April. The Nominations Committee continues the process to interview and select nominees for Board and will submit a list of candidates for endorsement by the Council at its next meeting, taking place end January. Further information on the upcoming elections, including profiles of all candidates, will be published EUA’s dedicated elections page in due course.

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