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The UK will join the EU’s Horizon Europe programme in January 2024. Rebuilding collaboration regulatory divergence and sensitive technologies are the next challenges EUA’s Thomas Jørgensen writes in Research Europe.

Since the UK’s referendum in 2016 universities across Europe argued that association to European programmes was the best route to limiting Brexit’s damage to academic cooperation. Now that an agreement has finally been reached what challenges still lie ahead?

In this article Thomas lists three key dynamics to look out for.

First getting research cooperation back to pre-2020 levels. Will the next year be a time to call old friends and put together new proposals or have people moved on?

Second the UK’s divergence from EU regulations and standards for example in vital areas such as rules for digital platforms and data protection. The UK has a regulatory superpower for a neighbour and EU rules will continue to matter.

Third how will the EU’s evolving attitude towards developing and sharing strategically important technologies play into access to certain research projects?

The full article is available in Research Professional News: So the UK is in Horizon Europe–now what?


Thomas Jørgensen

Thomas Jørgensen is Director of Policy Coordination and Foresight at the European University Association.

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