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At European level, several developments such as the Bologna process, the creation of ENQA and EQAR and the promotion of the ESG have impacted quality assurance (QA) and contributed to the rise of new international opportunities for QA agencies (Hopbach, 2014; Amaral, 2014; Rosa & Cardoso, 2018).

Cross-Border External Quality Assurance (CBEQA) can be understood as an external QA activity carried out in a country other than the one in which the QA agency is based (ENQA et al, 2017). This paper aims to provide an overview of CBEQA activities in the European Higher Education Area based on a descriptive statistical analysis of the data existent in the DEQAR database. This analysis is complemented with the views of international organisations and QA agencies on CBEQA. Results show that CBEQA has increased over the years and is seen as a way for HEIs to become more international. Despite advantages and disadvantages for institutions and systems, CBEQA is a market opportunity for many agencies in Europe.

This paper was presented at EQAF and reflects the views of the named authors only.

ISSN: 1375-3797

Cross-Border External Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area

Nathan Carvalho, Maria J. Rosa, Alberto Amaral

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