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At the end of first decade of the Bologna Process, there was an acute awareness that academic mobility in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) had probably not improved as anticipated, but also that existing data sources were not sufficient to assess this. The launch of a 20% benchmark for the academic mobility of students graduating in the EHEA by 2020, echoed by a similar EU target, has put new policy pressures on mobility, and drawn attention to possible obstacles and data gaps in this area.


The MAUNIMO project (MApping UNIversity MObility of staff and students) was to support higher education institutions in defining and implementing their own mobility objectives, and collect information and data accordingly. It has been launched by the European University Association (EUA) and four of its member universities, and was co-funded by the EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme.

Mobility: Closing the gap between policy and practice

Elizabeth Colucci, Howard Davies, Jonna Korhonen, Michael Gaebel

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