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Trends IV provides the only European-wide analysis of how universities are responding to the challenges of implementing the Bologna reforms. Demonstrating that there is widespread support for reform, the report describes what has been achieved and identifi es issues that remain to be tackled. It is thus a significant publication for all those concerned with European higher education, whether universities and students, or governments, business and industry, and other stakeholders.

Trends IV is also the European universities’ report to the Ministers of Education meeting in Bergen on 19/20 May 2005 to discuss the next phase of the Bologna Process. It thus mirrors those issues addressed by the formal governmental stocktaking exercise, namely the three priorities set out in the Berlin Communiqué - degree structures, quality and recognition. In addition, Trends IV also looks at the link between higher education and research, particularly in relation to doctoral programmes, that was also included in the Berlin Communiqué and is of major importance to universities.


(DE) Zusammenfassung

Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna 

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