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This report aims to provide the reader with an insight into the discussions and conclusions of the thematic peer groups with each chapter consisting of the summary of one thematic peer group presenting first the challenges identified, followed by recommendations on how to address them. The report by no means presents final answers to the issues discussed; rather, they aim to provide a basis for further debate. Readers are invited to reflect to what extent the groups’ recommendations apply to their own institutional contexts, which is hoped to provide impetus for further development of learning and teaching (L&T) in universities. This report is the first of the Learning & Teaching Paper series.

Established following a call for participation to all EUA members,  the four groups consisted of 31 universities from 17 countries. The outcomes of the groups’ work were presented and debated at the 1st European Learning & Teaching Forum, which was organised in Paris on 28-29 September 2017 in collaboration with the Conférence des Présidents d’Université (CPU) and hosted by the University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC).

EUA’s Learning and Teaching Initiative: Report from the 2017 Thematic Peer Groups

Tia Loukkola, Goran Dakovic

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