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Due to a high demand of university pedagogical staff development courses in Finnish universities, the universities were faced with the problem of not being able to offer university pedagogy courses for everyone who wanted to study them.

Additionally, ways to improve the already existing teaching were sought. As a solution, a web based learning platform called UNIPS (University pedagogical support) was created in collaboration with eight Finnish universities. The UNIPS solution was created on the basis of a previous solution, the UTUPS (University of Turku Pedagogical Support), which was developed for the same purposes at the University of Turku as the UNIPS. In this presentation, the UNIPS solution is introduced and experiences of its use from eight participating universities are presented.

ISSN 2593-9602

This paper was presented at the 2019 European Learning & Teaching Forum and reflects the views of the named authors only.

Development of the UNIPS online learning solution for university staff training

Responsible author: Mari Murtonen (Univeristy of Turku)

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