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The starting point for the CODOC project was the need to develop a new, global approach to doctoral education, taking into account the development of new means of communication and easier physical mobility, but also the need to build research capacity across the world to meet global challenges. In this spirit, the project attempted to examine and promote creative and mutually beneficial modes of collaboration to foster a more equitable global research community. For this purpose, the project looked at three world regions with developing, emerging and developed countries, namely East Asia, Latin America and Southern Africa. It compared how doctoral education was developing within these regions, and related the findings to developments in Europe.

The project methodology was based on regional reports, a survey of universities in East Asia, Southern Africa and Latin America and three workshops.

The survey results yielded a basic understanding of the type of institutions within, and some of the main differences between, the four regions. The most striking revelation was the strong common trend towards upgrading university staff through doctoral education.

CODOC – Cooperation on doctoral education between Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe

Jørgensen, Thomas Ekman

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