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The European University Association (EUA) and its Energy and Environment Platform (EUA-EPUE) are at the helm of an extensive Europe-wide effort to address the Energy Transition by focusing on the future of energy research, innovation and education. EUA, in partnership with InnoEnergy, mapped and surveyed hundreds of European universities and companies in the field, created connections between them, through the UNI-SET project, and recently launched an Action Agenda in energy education and research. As universities mobilise on a wide scale, EUA calls on policy-makers to harness their role and value in the addressing the energy challenge.

The need for clean, sustainable and cheaper energy represents one of Europe’s greatest challenges. It is an issue that touches every single life on the continent and raises complex social, political, economic and technical issues that must be addressed in unison. Universities are uniquely positioned to work with policy-makers and industry to do this, together ensuring a sustainable energy future for Europe.

The Energy Challenge: Why Policymaking Needs Universities

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