This document sets out the response of the European University Association (EUA) to the EC public consultation on smart specialisation. EUA has prepared this response in consultation with its Expert Group on Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3) and its Research Policy Working Group (RPWG). These committees serve as advisory bodies to the EUA Council on matters related to regional innovation and European research policy matters, respectively.
EUA’s responses to this consultation are primarily based on the outcomes of two RIS3 workshops organised by EUA and its national rectors’ conferences, in 2015 (Madrid, Spain) and 2016 (Warsaw, Poland), as well as on the EUA membership consultation on the mid-term review of Horizon 2020.
Due to EUA’s wide and diverse membership base, some questions were not deemed appropriate to be answered directly by EUA. Consequently, EUA’s response to the consultation focuses on general areas covered by the consultation. EUA’s response is thus not submitted via the online survey, rather in electronic paper form.