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For the EU Mobility Programme for Myanmar (EMPM), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Campus France and the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education (Nuffic) are inviting universities to host students for physical (short-term, up to 6 months) and/or virtual mobility.

EMPM will initially run as a pilot programme until 31 December 2026, with the aim is to enhance options for online learning and mobility for Myanmar students and young professionals, who are affected by recent interruptions of university education and employment. The programme will provide options for short-term mobility (up to 6 months) to European higher education institutions as part of the overall mobility scholarships to complete studies and earn top-up degrees at universities in ASEAN. 

The programme is primarily focused on higher education institutions that can offer English taught courses and that can consider waiving tuition fees for the beneficiaries. Considering the particular sensitivity of the country from where the students will come from, particular attention will be given to host institutions that can provide support measures for students coming from a crisis country.

To indicate their interest in the programme, higher education institutions can complete the following short survey. An online information session will also take place soon.

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