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The EUA Charter has been elaborated on the basis of extensive consultation, not only with EUA’s 800 member universities and 34 national Rectors’ Conferences, but also with a wide range of European stakeholder organisations – including students and business. It calls on universities to make 10 clear commitments to lifelong learning.

The EUA Charter also calls for concerted action from governments in providing the appropriate legal and financial frameworks to develop lifelong learning. It matches the 10 commitments from universities with an equal number of desired commitments for governments. These include: promoting social equity & an inclusive learning society; including lifelong learning objectives in national quality assurance systems; recognising prior learning; removing legal obstacles that prevent potential learners from responding to LLL opportunities, ensuring the necessary university autonomy & incentives for universities; and acting as role models in relation to their own employees.


European Universities’ Charter on Lifelong learning

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