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INEA, the European Commission’s Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, launched an open call for proposals for the 2020 CEF Telecom European Platform for Digital Skills and Jobs (DSIs).

The deadline has been extended from 12 May to 25 June, to provide potential applicants with more time to look for partners, help preparing high quality proposals and obtaining the necessary support/endorsement by their Member State.

Funding will be provided for the design and delivery of Master programmes in artificial intelligence (AI), or AI applied to specific sectors. These Master programmes will be designed jointly by a consortia of universities from 3 different Member States, SMEs and one excellence centres in AI. The programme will provide a specialised training to students, with the possibility of on-the-job training and access to laboratories and testing facilities.

The total budget allocated is 6.5 million euros, with a co-financing rate of 75%. Funding allocated to each project can vary according to the size of the consortia and the activities implemented.

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