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This survey aims to explore whether higher education institutions (HEIs) consider the recognition process that they carry out to be compliant with the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC) and ensure the quality of their processes through monitoring and evaluation mechanisms in line with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) 1.4.

It focuses on the academic recognition of qualifications giving access to higher education and the recognition of study periods abroad. It does not cover recognition for the purpose of seeking access to the labour market.

The survey consists of five parts: 1) information on the institution responding to the survey; 2) national context and collaboration within this context; 3) information on the recognition process; 4) quality assurance of the recognition processes: 5) survey follow-up and finalisation.

The survey is primarily addressed to HEI staff responsible for academic recognition. However, answers to the survey may be submitted in a team effort, including staff from admissions, internationalisation and quality assurance offices, to ensure the fully comprehensive and accurate answers. Nevertheless, each participating institution is kindly asked to submit only one response.

This survey is undertaken as part of the project “TPG-LRC CoRE Constructing Recognition in the EHEA” (TPG-LRC CoRE), which is the Erasmus+ umbrella project co-funding the work of the Thematic Peer Group B on the LRC. By conducting this survey, the Thematic Peer Group aims to identify potential gaps and thus recommendations for improvement. The results of this work will be published in the first half of 2024.

By completing this survey, you agree to the TPG-LRC CoRE project team processing the results in a way that identifies your institution. However, data on individual institutions or the individuals completing this survey will not be published.

Once you have submitted your response, you will be able to download a copy for your own records.

The deadline for responses is 31 March 2023. In case of questions, please send an email to at the European University Association (EUA).

A summary of the survey questionnaire is available here.

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