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The European University Association is pleased to announce that the Association’s Council has endorsed candidates for the EUA Board for the period 2023-2027:

  • Vincent Blondel, Rector, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium;
  • Patrick Lévy, former President, Grenoble-Alpes Université, France, and current EUA Board member;
  • Marcin Pałys, former Rector, University of Warsaw, Poland, and current EUA Board member;
  • George Sharvashidze, former Rector, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia;
  • Astrid Söderbergh Widding, Rector, Stockholm University, Sweden;
  • Maurizio Tira, former Rector, University of Brescia, Italy;
  • Wim van de Donk, Rector, Tilburg University, Netherlands;
  • Josep M. Garrell, former Rector, Ramon Llull University, Spain, and current EUA Board member.*

From these candidates, several open board positions will be filled at the Association’s General Assembly, taking place at Gdańsk University of Technology in Poland, in April 2023. Following a call for nominees launched in June 2022, the selected candidates were put forward by the EUA Nominations Committee and endorsed by the Council at its meeting on 27 January. The successful candidates will take office immediately, as the terms in office of incumbents Martine Rahier, Josep M. Garrell, Patrick Lévy, Marcin Pałys and Francesco Ubertini end in April.

The election of new Board members will follow the election of a new EUA President to succeed Michael Murphy, whose term ends in July. Three candidates for this position: Janet Beer, Josep M. Garrell, and Ivanka Popović, were endorsed by the EUA Council last October.

Further information on the upcoming elections, including profiles of all candidates, will be published shortly on the EUA’s elections page.

*As Josep M. Garrell is also a candidate for the position of President, his name will only be included on the ballot for the election of Board members in the event that he is not elected President for the same term.

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