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Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 crisis, the final negotiations for the long-term EU budget, and a new momentum for higher education and research in Europe, this Annual Report outlines EUA’s concrete efforts in 2020.

This work demonstrates how EUA provides members with unique opportunities to shape European policies and initiatives affecting higher education and research. It also highlights the unrivalled opportunities to participate in projects, events and other mutual-learning activities.

In accordance with the new EUA Strategic Plan, the Association worked in 2020 to serve Europe’s universities through activities designed to fulfil its four strategic priorities. This Annual Report highlights the most notable outputs and how they relate to EUA’s overarching strategic vision. As 2020 was an exceptional year, many of these activities were created or adapted from existing initiatives to support universities in light of the Covid-19 crisis.

EUA members were a valuable part of this effort, as their input fed into the many discussions and publications featured in this report.

EUA Annual Report 2020

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