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The Autonomy Scorecard project provides a detailed and accurate picture of the status of institutional autonomy in 26 different European countries. The project focuses on the legislative frameworks in which higher education institutions operate. It updates information from the 2009 study “University Autonomy in Europe I” (Estermann & Nokkala 2009) and includes new elements of autonomy. In addition, it examines some aspects of institutional autonomy in more detail, such as the involvement of external members in governing bodies and quality assurance mechanisms.

The Autonomy Scorecard aims to serve multiple purposes, such as the benchmarking of national policies and awareness-raising among universities. It is intended to act as a reference for further studies and provide a comparable set of data to establish relations between autonomy and other concepts, such as performance, funding, quality, and access and retention in European higher education.

University Autonomy in Europe II - The Scorecard

Thomas Estermann, Terhi Nokkala & Monika Steinel

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