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From 18 to 20 October 2023, at the Coventry University campus in the UK, EBN and Coventry University are bringing together professionals from various corners of the innovation landscape to discuss how ecosystems are being energised, and support services enhanced by large-scale technology investments.

Addressing key topics such as supporting technology-based businesses, collaborating with industry leaders, and deploying simulation/immersive technology for startups and scale-ups, Techcamp offers a participatory and friendly platform for networking, collaboration, and co-learning in business support methodologies. Participants will be able to:

  • • Explore its transformative potential in Healthcare, revolutionizing medical training, telemedicine, and patient engagement through simulation, XR/AR, and digital media.
  • • Immerse themselves in the realm of Creative and Cultural Industries and Gaming, discovering how virtual and augmented reality forge new frontiers in storytelling and envisioning the future of the Metaverse.
  • • Delve into the realm of Mobility, where simulation technologies enhance Transportation systems' safety and efficiency, while digital media paves the way for ground-breaking transportation innovations and witness the future of Manufacturing unfold, where Digital Twins, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and the Metaverse converge to drive higher efficiency and sustainability.

For the programme, confirmed speakers and registration, please visit the dedicated website and follow #EBNTechcamp23 on social media.

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