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The new edition of the European inventory of national qualifications frameworks (NQFs) (2022 review) is available online.

Since 2009, Cedefop in close cooperation with the European Commission and the European Training Foundation has carried out annual or bi-annual reviews of NQF developments in the countries that participate in the European qualifications framework for lifelong learning (EQF) process. The aim has always been to contribute to the development and implementation of the EQF/ NQFs, along with supporting the work of the EQF Advisory Group, the EQF National Contact Points and other authorities involved in the process.

The specific-country reports of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine will be available in the inventory in mid-November 2023. Those for Moldova and Georgia will be uploaded in the early part of 2024.

Cedefop’s NQFs online tool is currently being updated and the new version will be ready in early November 2023. A synthesis report on NQF developments across Europe will be published in early 2024.

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