

  • Trends 2018: Learning and teaching in the European Higher Education Area

    11 Oct 2018 Report Bologna Process, Learning & Teaching

    Trends 2018 examines how learning and teaching at European higher education institutions evolves in the context of changing demands, technological and societal development, and European- and national-level policies and reforms. This EUA flagship report gathers data from more than 300 higher education institutions in 42 European countries.

  • Trends 2015: Learning and Teaching in European Universities

    04 May 2015 Report Bologna Process, Learning & Teaching

    Trends 2015 is the seventh in the series of Trends reports published by the European University Association. The main goal of Trends 2015 is to document the universities’ perceptions of the changes that have taken place in European higher education in the past five years particularly in relation to learning and teaching.

  • Trends reports are generally timed with the biannual ministerial meetings and track progress of Bologna implementation, within a two-year timescale. Trends 2010 is different. The report has been timed to coincide with the launch of the European Higher Education Area in March 2010 and has a much larger scope both in its focus and longitudinal aspect.

  • Trends V provides the most comprehensive view available of the state of European higher education - as seen by higher education institutions themselves. Indeed, more than 900 European higher education institutions contributed to this report, either by responding to a wide-ranging questionnaire, or by hosting visits of research teams, or through providing input in other meetings. 

  • Le rapport Trends IV constitue la seule analyse à l’échelle européenne sur la manière dont les universités répondent aux défis de la mise en oeuvre des réformes de Bologne. Témoignant d’un large soutien à la réforme, il décrit les avancées réalisées et identifie les questions en suspend. C’est donc une publication importante pour tous les acteurs de l’enseignement supérieur européen, qu’il s’agisse des universités ou des étudiants, des gouvernements, du monde des affaires et de l’industrie ou d’autres partenaires intéressés.

  • Trends IV: European Universities Implementing Bologna 

    20 May 2005 Report Bologna Process
    Credits: @ EUA

    Trends IV provides the only European-wide analysis of how universities are responding to the challenges of implementing the Bologna reforms. Demonstrating that there is widespread support for reform, the report describes what has been achieved and identifi es issues that remain to be tackled. It is thus a significant publication for all those concerned with European higher education, whether universities and students, or governments, business and industry, and other stakeholders.

  • EUA is pleased to present the third report on trends in higher education in Europe, prepared with the support of the European Commission through the Socrates Programme, on the occasion of the September 2003 Berlin Ministerial Conference to discuss next steps in the Bologna Process.

  • L’EUA présente le troisième rapport sur les tendances à l’oeuvre dans l’enseignement supérieur en Europe. Réalisé avec le soutien de la Commission européenne à travers le programme Socrates, le rapport a été établi à l’occasion de la conférence de Berlin de 2003 où les ministres débattront des prochaines étapes du processus de Bologne.

  • The first Trends report was mainly based on a survey of structure and trends in higher education in the EU/EEA countries. Trends II surveyed the other signatory countries of the Bologna Declaration. 

  • Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education

    07 Jun 1999 Report Bologna Process

    The report on the project, Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education, is hereby presented as a background paper for the Bologna Forum on 18-19 June 1999. 

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