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EU lawmakers need to take universities into account when drawing up new laws. This will stem the growing compliance burden, make for better regulation - and result in more efficient policy making, argues EUA’s Thomas Jørgensen in Science|Business.

In this article, Thomas describes how a wave of new EU digital regulation, including the General Data Protection Regulation, Digital Services Act and Cyber Resilience Act, has revealed a particular blind spot in EU policy making, with notable consequences for universities.

For this reason, a better understanding of the concerns of universities is needed when developing new EU legislation, i.e. a university check, as proposed in the European University Association’s key election-year messages for policy makers ‘A renewed social contract for Europe and its universities’.

With the complexity and scale of this new legal landscape, the article further posits the need for the university sector and its representatives to put forward relevant use cases and potential impacts of such pieces of legislation to lawmakers.

The full article is available on Science|Business: Viewpoint: we need a university check for new EU legislation.


Thomas Jørgensen
European University Association

Thomas Jørgensen is Director of Policy Coordination and Foresight at the European University Association.

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