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Commenting on the launch of EUA’s Green Deal roadmap for universities, EUA’s Sergiu-Matei Lucaci notes in Research Europe that driving sustainability means reshaping teaching, operations, strategy and engagement.

The green transition will reach into everything from fundamentals of life such as food and health, to social structures such as markets, cities and welfare states. Making such a transformation work will require the awareness and collaboration of all sectors and communities.

Therefore, as the voice of Europe’s universities, the European University Association has set out a roadmap highlighting the sector’s untapped potential to meet the green challenge. This article further describes how universities can reconfigure themselves and take action in four key areas: research and innovation, education and students, staff and operations, and public engagement and societal impact.

The full article is available on Research Professional News: The green transition must be part of everything universities do.


Sergiu-Matei Lucaci
European University Association

Sergiu-Matei Lucaci is Policy and Project Officer, Research & Innovation, at the European University Association.

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