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The UK-Ukraine Twinning initiative, launched in 2022 as a response to the war in Ukraine, is looking for new applications from European partners.

Twinning is an institution-to-institution partnership framework to support Ukrainian higher education, both through short-term aid and long-term activities, which include but are not limited to sharing of academic resources such as libraries and databases, joint research projects, conferences, student-led cultural, informational and scientific events, etc. The initiative allows universities around the world to support their Ukrainian counterparts in real, concrete ways.

As of June 2023, Twinning engaged in partnerships more than 210 universities from Ukraine and from the United Kingdom, Germany, United States, Canada and Australia. Currently, more than 60 Ukrainian universities registered for the Twinning project need international partners.

Find more information about the UK-Ukraine Twinning Initiative website and register for expressing your interest in becoming a partner.

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