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The members of the Global University Associations Forum (GUAF) are pleased to announce a webinar taking place on 5 June, entitled ‘Challenges and opportunities in recognition of qualifications in higher education: Global perspectives’. Registrations for the webinar are open.

Earlier this year, GUAF launched a joint statement on the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education. In this statement, GUAF members highlight the potential of the Convention to realise fair and transparent recognition procedures worldwide and point to various practical steps that are needed in order to support the Convention’s implementation after its ratification.

This webinar is an opportunity to learn more about these steps and to hear from experts across the globe about how they relate to the most prominent challenges, good practices and new developments in the recognition of qualifications in their region.

Speakers include:

  • Zhang Daliang, Vice-President of the China Association of Higher Education and Chair of GUAF 2024
  • Vanja Gutovic, Secretary to the Global Recognition Convention, UNESCO
  • Chiara Finocchietti, President of the ENIC-NARIC networks. Director of the Italian ENIC-NARIC center CIMEA
  • Elizabeth Bernal Gamboa, Secretary General of the Colombian University Association (ASCUN) and Executive Secretary (E) of the Latin American and Caribbean Higher Education Area (ENLACES)
  • Muhamad Saiful Bahri Bin Yusoff, AUN Expert on Qualifications, Frameworks, Systems, and Management and Director of Centre for Development of Academic Excellence (CDAE), University Sains Malaysia
  • Walid Salameh, Senior Consultant at the Association of Arab Universities

5 June 14.15.00 CEST (GMT+2)

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