
HRK MODUS International Conference on Recognition, 25-26 November 2021

20 July 2021

EUA member German Rectors' Conference (HRK) organises the International Conference on Recognition on 25-26 November 2021 and online. EUA President Michael Murphy will give a keynote speech. 

Organisers are inviting all those involved in recognition to submit proposals for presentations on their different approaches, strategies, projects, outcomes, and experiences related to the topic. The deadline for submission is 25 August 2021.

The conference will focus on recognition of academic competencies and qualifications as well as on recognition of prior learning. For this purpose, recognition practices will be discussed in four different contexts: student mobility, lifelong learning, alliances and networks, and quality development.

The conference is organised as part of their MODUS project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to contribute to improving recognition practices at universities to enhance mobility and permeability within higher education institutions and across educational boundaries.

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