
EURAXESS: information and support services to researchers

26 October 2018

EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion is a pan-European initiative launched by the European Commission to promote research careers and facilitate the mobility of researchers across Europe. It is a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities, and businesses to interact with each other.

EURAXESS is also your gateway to Science4Refugees, a Commission's initiative helping refugee researchers find suitable jobs in today's challenging research landscape. Part of the initiative, is the Science4Refugees Research Buddies, supporting refugee scientists in finding European researchers to discuss problems, find solutions and study together, by matching their research field, scientific studies and interests.

The benefits for universities:

  • Attract international talent via the free portal job - international visibility of the Universities through the publication of "jobs and fellowships" on the EURAXESS portal.
  • Support and working tools for International Relations, HR, laboratories and welcoming services for doctoral students and researchers
  • Practical information during the installation in each country (visa, residence permits, housing, social security, etc.) Foreign Researcher's Guide to Luxembourg)
  • Helpdesks serving researchers and their families,
  • Careers development centres

Benefits for Master's students, doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers:

Free access:

  • At jobs and fellowships,
  • National, European (ERC, MSCA ...) and international funding, and
  • practical information to settle.

Possibility to publish resume online in order to be contacted for partnerships, or by employers, and create a "dashboard" to facilitate research.

For more information about EURAXESS, please visit the official website and watch the video below:

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